persective | voice of the text as autorizing, self-validating epistemic warrant |
personal | subjective, idiocentric, self-referent, I, we as exclusive group |
objective | impersonal, normal, unexceptional, cognitively realistic, it |
diaphanic | religious, revelatory of higher view, spiritual, god(s) |
disciplinary | schooled, expert, competent, universally referrent, we as (scientific) community |
reality | reference of the text to what is ultimately real, not just apparent |
existential | vivid experience, immediately lived, contingently experiential |
substrative | material, underlying, recondite, cryptic, suppressed |
noumenal | transcending appearances, transphenomenal, supersensibly general and ideal |
essential | historically general and ideal, patterns, functions and values realized in nature and experience |
method | the logical or conceptual form of the text |
agonistic | paradoxical, contrasting concepts |
logistic | computational, relating discrete (simple) units, mechanical |
dialectical | sublational, synthetic unity of contrasts, emerging wholes |
synoptic | problematic, analysis of features, whole and parts seen together as form and matter of the same holistic function |
principle | the motivating and integrating intention of the text |
creative | volitional, making a difference in which the new replaces the old |
elemental | simple, self-same, repetitious, recycling the same basic element, nature or essence |
comprehensive. | totalistic, hierarchically encompassing, perfect form of the whole |
reflexive | autonomously active and self-completing of a variety of intrinsic functions, thought thinking itself |